Treatment Centers by City
- Richmond
- Virginia Beach
- Alexandria
- Charlottesville
- Norfolk
- Roanoke
- Arlington
- Fairfax
- Hampton
- Williamsburg
- Fredericksburg
- Lynchburg
- Portsmouth
- Manassas
- Falls Church
- Henrico
- Newport News
- Chantilly
- Harrisonburg
- Leesburg
- Winchester
- Culpeper
- Danville
- Martinsville
- Annandale
- Cedar Bluff
- Galax
- Petersburg
- Pulaski
- Salem
- Springfield
- Staunton
- Suffolk
- Abingdon
- Big Stone Gap
- Blacksburg
- Bristol
- Chesapeake
- Chesterfield
- Emporia
- Franklin
- Lebanon
- Marion
- South Boston
- Warrenton
- Woodbridge
- Wytheville
- Bedford
- Boydton
- Colonial Heights
- Dinwiddie
- Fishersville
- Floyd
- Glen Allen
- Gloucester
- Goochland
- Grundy
- Hopewell
- Jonesville
- Kilmarnock
- King George
- King William
- Lawrenceville
- Lexington
- Lignum
- Louisa
- Lovingston
- Mechanicsville
- Palmyra
- Parksley
- Pearisburg
- Powhatan
- Radford
- Reston
- Rocky Mount
- Stafford
- Stanardsville
- Sterling
- Stuart
- Tazewell
- Warsaw
- Waverly
- Weber City
- Yorktown
- Amherst
- Ashburn
- Ashland
- Belle Haven
- Berryville
- Burke
- Centreville
- Chester
- Christiansburg
- Clintwood
- Covington
- Cross Junction
- Crozet
- Farmville
- Forest
- Fort Lee
- Front Royal
- Gladys
- Great Falls
- Gretna
- Hanover
- Herndon
- Hot Springs
- Independence
- Jarratt
- Low Moor
- McLean
- Prince George
- Providence Forge
- Quantico
- Rustburg
- Ruther Glen
- Smithfield
- Spotsylvania
- Surry
- Vienna
- Woodstock
- Middle Peninsula Northern Neck
- Middle Peninsula Northern Neck
is located at 1041 Sharon Road King William, VA. 23086 and can be contacted by calling 855-271-5346. Middle Peninsula Northern Neck offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee
- Contact Us
- Oral contraceptives (birth control pills) slow down the rate at which alcohol is removed from the body; a woman who is on the pill can expect to feel intoxicated for a longer time than a woman that is not taking the pill.
- A survey by the Harvard School of Public Health regarding alcohol use found that 44% of college students are binge drinkers, 74% of which say they binged in high school.
- Women who binge drink alcohol are more likely to have unprotected sex and multiple sex partners, increasing the risks of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
- Environmental factors have been reported to be one of the main causative factors that are related to alcoholism, but, the person must first choose to drink alcohol for this condition to have the chance to occur.
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