Treatment Centers by City
- Richmond
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- Ashland
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- Christiansburg
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- Cross Junction
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- Forest
- Fort Lee
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- Gladys
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- Independence
- Jarratt
- Low Moor
- McLean
- Prince George
- Providence Forge
- Quantico
- Rustburg
- Ruther Glen
- Smithfield
- Spotsylvania
- Surry
- Vienna
- Woodstock
- Mental Wellness Now LLC
- Mental Wellness Now LLC
is located at 1363 North Main Street Harrisonburg, VA. 22802 and can be contacted by calling 540-246-8155. Mental Wellness Now LLC offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Services for Young Adults, Dual Diagnosis, AIDS/HIV Clients, Lesbian and Gay, Over 50, Expectant Mothers, Women, Men, Court Appointed Client Services, Spanish Speaking
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Military, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Help
- Contact Us
- 320 000 young people between the age of 15 and 29 die from alcohol-related causes, resulting in 9% of all deaths in that age group.
- Risks for alcoholism is not destiny; proof of this is that many children of alcoholic parents have not developed alcoholism, and many people with no family history have become alcohol dependent.
- Alcohol consumption by college students is linked to 70,000 cases of sexual assault or date rape each year.
- Remember never to take acetaminophen (the medicine found in Tylenol) before you go to bed. It's metabolized by the liver just like alcohol is, and combining them can cause serious liver damage. Ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatories are not as threatening to the liver, but using them to excess could cause gastric problems.
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