Treatment Centers by City
- Richmond
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- Ashland
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- Forest
- Fort Lee
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- Gladys
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- Independence
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- McLean
- Prince George
- Providence Forge
- Quantico
- Rustburg
- Ruther Glen
- Smithfield
- Spotsylvania
- Surry
- Vienna
- Woodstock
- Jackson Feild Homes
- Jackson Feild Homes
is located at 546 Walnut Grove Drive Jarratt, VA. 23867 and can be contacted by calling 434-634-3217 x3002. Jackson Feild Homes offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Illicit Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Dual Diagnosis, AIDS/HIV Clients, Lesbian and Gay, Court Appointed Client Services
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- Symptoms of alcohol dependence include but are not limited to memory lapses after heavy drinking, requiring greater amounts of alcohol to feel "drunk", experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms when you haven't had a drink for a while and experiencing alcohol-related illnesses such as alcoholic liver disease.
- The age of 19 to 24 is associated with the highest prevalence of periodic heavy alcohol consumption during the life span.
- Women of child bearing age should also avoid binge drinking to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy.
- The only way for an individual with an alcoholism problem can achieve a state of long term abstinence, is to face the underlying problems that initially led to the alcohol abuse; these problems can be from an inability to manage stress effectively, unresolved trauma from childhood, depression, anxiety or any number of personal difficulties.
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