Treatment Centers by City
- Richmond
- Virginia Beach
- Alexandria
- Charlottesville
- Norfolk
- Roanoke
- Arlington
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- Hampton
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- Lynchburg
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- Falls Church
- Henrico
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- Annandale
- Cedar Bluff
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- Abingdon
- Big Stone Gap
- Blacksburg
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- South Boston
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- Boydton
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- Hopewell
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- King George
- King William
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- Lignum
- Louisa
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- Parksley
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- Powhatan
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- Rocky Mount
- Stafford
- Stanardsville
- Sterling
- Stuart
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- Warsaw
- Waverly
- Weber City
- Yorktown
- Amherst
- Ashburn
- Ashland
- Belle Haven
- Berryville
- Burke
- Centreville
- Chester
- Christiansburg
- Clintwood
- Covington
- Cross Junction
- Crozet
- Farmville
- Forest
- Fort Lee
- Front Royal
- Gladys
- Great Falls
- Gretna
- Hanover
- Herndon
- Hot Springs
- Independence
- Jarratt
- Low Moor
- McLean
- Prince George
- Providence Forge
- Quantico
- Rustburg
- Ruther Glen
- Smithfield
- Spotsylvania
- Surry
- Vienna
- Woodstock
- Empowering Families Program
- Empowering Families Program
is located at 901 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, VA. 22903 and can be contacted by calling 434-971-8454. Empowering Families Program offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Lesbian and Gay, Over 50
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- Britain's brewery giant Scottish & Newcastle are addressing binge drinking by voluntarily placing health warnings on their beer bottles.
- Heavy drinking puts postmenopausal women at risk for fractures from falls due to their increased risk for osteoporosis from alcohol's effect on blood estrogen levels coupled with their increased risk of falling due to alcohol consumption.
- Women, Alcohol & Sexual Assault: Binge drinking is a risk factor for sexual assault, especially among young women in college settings. Each year, about 1 in 20 college women are sexually assaulted. Research suggests that there is an increase in the risk of rape or sexual assault when both the attacker and victim have used alcohol prior to the attack.
- Positive alcohol expectancies or the belief that consuming alcohol will lead to positive, pleasurable experiences plays an important role in the drinking behavior of young adults.
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